Thursday, July 1, 2010

Hi world!

I'm very excited about sharing everything with you through this blog; well maybe not everything. Everything that concerns education in technology specifically as it relates to learners and how they learn. Let's jump right in shall we?

For the past three weeks I have been using a elearning tool called the Making Sense series that is typically for military use in the program SOAR. Making Sense was developed in the math department at the University of Northern Iowa. Sandy Uben, a professor at UNI, has worked with UNI's Center for Urban Education (UNI-CUE) to administer Making Sense learning tools to the 6th grade summer academy for 2010.

Overall, the students respond variably to the videos and subsequent worksheets. Some videos are more favorable than others. However, for the most part the worksheet handouts are popular. Students have a healthy competitive attitude when working on the worksheets. We have yet to review their responses to the video and because students parents signed a waiver I will be able to share the details with you. Exciting, I know!

For more information on Making Sense check out the website: